Terms of Sales


Any online purchase made on the nunlingeries.com website is subject to prior knowledge and acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter “CGV”).

These General Terms and Conditions are concluded exclusively between (1) the company Nun Lingeries, registered under number 82097985400016 whose head office is located at 62 rue jeanne d'arc, 59260 LILLE, in its capacity as publisher of the site nunlingeries.com (here -after Nun Lingeries) and (2) any natural person making a purchase on the site www.nunlingeries.com (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”).

The Customer hereby formally declares that he is an individual, a natural person who has the status of consumer within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code, that he is of age or holds parental authorization and that he he has full legal capacity to contract and place an order online on the site www.nunlingeries.com (hereinafter “the Site”).

The Customer and Nun Lingeries agree together that their relations are governed exclusively by these General Terms and Conditions.

Nun Lingeries reserves the right to adapt or modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Each order will be deemed to be subscribed according to the terms of the T&Cs in force on the day it is placed on the Site, the date the T&Cs are put online serving as the effective date.

For any questions relating to an online purchase, the Customer can contact Nun Lingeries Customer Service:
- Or, directly on the site, via the contact forms.


In accordance with articles L. 111-1 and L. 111-3 of the Consumer Code, the essential characteristics and prices of the products offered for sale on the Site are available there.

The Products are offered within the limit of availability displayed on the Site.


The creation of a personal account is an essential prerequisite for any order from the Customer on the Site.

In this context, the Customer must indicate his, first name, email address, and password. The customer can also optionally communicate their date of birth. This information is personal data processed in accordance with the Nun Lingeries Privacy Policy.

Registration for the personal account is also done by providing connection identifiers (email address and password chosen by the Customer). The Customer acknowledges that his identifiers and password are strictly personal and confidential. It is therefore prohibited to communicate or share them with third parties.

In the event of suspicion of fraudulent use of their identifiers, the Customer must immediately inform Nun Lingeries by email via the following address: nunlingeries@gmail.com

In all cases, the online provision of the bank card number or other banking information and the validation of the order and its payment will constitute proof of the completeness of said order, in accordance with the provisions of law n°2000-230. of March 13, 2000 adapting the law of proof to information technologies and relating to electronic signature, and will be worth the sums incurred by the order.

The Customer undertakes to provide accurate information. The provision of false information making it impossible for Nun Lingeries to execute its obligations, in particular without the list being exhaustive, to deliver orders, cannot incur the liability of the latter for this reason.

To place an order on the Nun Lingeries Site, the Customer will be guided through the following steps:
- Selection of products on the Site in the “Basket”;
- Summary of products ordered, delivery costs and price;
- identification of the customer or creation of an account under the conditions mentioned above;
- Choice, when offered, of the delivery method for the products displayed:
- Choice of collection point if applicable, or indication of the delivery address in the case of home delivery
- Presentation of the order summary, allowing the order to be modified and indication of its total price,
- Choice of payment method,
- Unreserved acceptance of the General Conditions of Sale by checking the box “ I have read and accept the general conditions of sale ”. Checking this box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature from the Customer;
- Sending an order validation email to the Customer confirming their registration after acceptance of their payment on which the following information appears:

  • The price of the products ;
  • The quantity to be delivered;
  • The date of the order;
  • Delivery costs if applicable;
  • The payment method chosen by the Customer;
  • The statement that the Customer has a right of withdrawal.

Any Order implies an obligation to pay.

In the event that the Customer does not receive any email following their Order, it is up to them to contact Nun Lingeries customer service following the procedures described in article 16 of the General Terms and Conditions.

Nun Lingeries cannot under any circumstances be held responsible in the event of an entry error or transmission of an entry error attributable to the Customer and not allowing the delivery of the confirmation email and/or the Order.


The products displayed on the Nun Lingeries site at a given moment are in principle deemed to be available in stock at that same moment, unless there is a limited time offer as part of a particular operation expressly mentioned as such on the product page.

This a priori availability is checked after the order has been accepted for payment and is confirmed by sending the shipping email by Nun Lingeries.

In the event of unavailability of one or more products, Nun Lingeries undertakes to reimburse them by re-crediting the means of payment used during the purchase, within 14 calendar days of payment of the order.


The price of products sold on the Site is indicated by item and reference. It only includes the price of the product itself, as described.

The prices displayed on the Nun Lingeries site are expressed in euros (€) and are understood to be public prices including all taxes, excluding shipping costs, as they may be applicable in mainland France on the date of consultation of said offers.

The VAT applied is that in force on the date the order is placed. Specific taxes, apart from VAT, applicable according to regulations, are only indicated on the basket page.

Prices are applicable in the context of distance selling. They cannot, under any circumstances, be the subject of a request for application in store (and vice versa).

The amount of delivery costs is indicated to the Buyer at the time of final validation of his Order on the Site. As part of promotional operations, Nun Lingeries may reduce or offer free delivery costs.

Nun Lingeries reserves the right to modify its prices at any time but undertakes to apply the prices displayed at the time the order is placed, subject to availability on that date.

Nun Lingeries will not refund any price difference between the time the order was placed and a subsequent price drop.

The products remain the property of Nun Lingeries until the price has been fully collected by the latter.



Regardless of the payment method chosen among those accepted on our site, orders will only be deemed recorded after validation or receipt of payment.

Thus, as long as the payment is not validated by the intermediary chosen by the consumer, the order cannot be prepared by Nun Lingeries services.


The products are payable in cash on the day of the actual order. Payment for purchases is made:

- By the following bank cards: Carte Bleue, VISA, MASTERCARD

The Customer accesses the 3D Secure payment system made available by the banking institution, which ensures the security and recording of the payment order. The Customer confirms that he is the holder of the bank card to be debited and that the name appearing on the bank card is indeed his own. The Customer communicates the sixteen digits and the expiration date of his bank card, as well as, where applicable, the numbers of the visual cryptogram. To finalize the payment, obtaining a security code is necessary. The customer receives it: by e-mail, by telephone or SMS, he must therefore ensure that his contact details are correctly provided to his banking establishment. In this regard, the Customer expressly acknowledges that the communication of his bank card number to Nun Lingeries constitutes authorization to debit his account up to the amount of the products ordered and all taxes included.

Nun Lingeries implements all means to ensure the confidentiality and security of data transmitted on the Site.

Online payment by bank card is perfectly secure and allows you to confidently enter the number, expiration date and security code of the card in the locations provided for this purpose. In fact, credit card details are encrypted using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol and never pass unencrypted over the network. Payment is made directly to the bank. Nun Lingeries has no access to these contact details and cannot store them on its servers. This is why they are requested again for each new transaction on our site.


Payments by Paypal are accepted on the Nun Lingeries Site and are then made through the partner in question and according to its own general conditions of sale and use of its services.

The choice of this payment constitutes tacit acceptance of the general conditions of sale and use of the PAYPAL Partner.

We invite our customers to refer to it, as Nun Lingeries cannot be held responsible for the conditions thus set by these independent partners.
Paypal general conditions of sale and use


Nun Lingeries reserves the right to check the validity of the payment, before shipping the order, by any means it deems necessary (in particular identity documents, proof of address, etc.) in the event of suspicion of fraud .


Nun Lingeries reserves the right to refuse to make a delivery or to honor an order from a Customer who has not fully or partially paid a previous order or with whom a payment dispute is being administered. In the event of fraud, Nun Lingeries reserves the right to delete the member's account after informing the member in advance.


Each delivery is deemed to have been made as soon as the package is made available to the Customer, in particular by the carrier, as evidenced by the control system used by the carrier.


Nun Lingeries reserves the right to subcontract all or part of the preparation and shipping of the order to a third party mandated for the execution of this service.

The products are delivered to the delivery address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order no later than the end of the period indicated when placing the Order, depending on the country of delivery.

(All products sold by Nun Lingeries are deemed to be available in stock, orders are prepared from the first working day following registration of the order within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions. Thus, orders registered on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday will be processed on the first following business day).

All deadlines mentioned on the Nun Lingeries site are understood to be clear deadlines.

The ordered product is delivered to the address appearing on the order form and recorded as the “delivery” address.


Delivery times may not exceed 30 working days following the conclusion of the contract in accordance with article L216-1 of the Consumer Code .

Nun Lingeries cannot be held responsible for late delivery in the event of force majeure, as defined by law and case law. Delivery times do not take into account any possible payment control procedures for the Customer which would delay the shipment of their order (see the provisions of article 4.2 ), which in any event cannot exceed 30 working days following the conclusion of the contract .

The announced deadlines run from the conclusion of the contract. The expected delivery date is indicated when ordering and on each of our product sheets. In the event of absence, the Customer will be responsible for collecting the product from the relevant services.

Any delay in delivery beyond the date specified when ordering and not due to a case of force majeure may result in the sale being canceled, at the Customer's initiative, by sending the latter a registered letter. with request for acknowledgment of receipt, if after having ordered Nun Lingeries to make delivery within a reasonable additional time, this has not been carried out.

In accordance with article L216-2 of the Consumer Code, the contract will be considered terminated upon receipt by Nun Lingeries of the letter from the Customer informing it of its decision to terminate the contract and only if delivery is not not intervened in the meantime. In the event of resolution, Nun Lingeries will reimburse the Customer for the sums paid as soon as possible, and at the latest, within 14 days from receipt of the registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.


The Customer can track their order at any time using the order number communicated to them in the email formally registering their order, in their “My Account” space on the Site.

This space allows precise monitoring for each planned mode of transport, of the order and its status, particularly relating to shipping or delivery.

Please note that as all communication between the Client and the Site is essentially carried out through email exchanges, it is essential that the Client sends a valid and regularly updated email address. Failing this, Nun Lingeries cannot be held responsible for the consequences arising from the communication of an incorrect or non-updated email address.


Delivery is made to the following countries:

Delivery method Delivery country Costs Time limit Return cost
Relay package Metropolitan France, Monaco, Corsica 4.95€ Free from 120 euros of purchase 5 to 10 days Free
Colissimo Metropolitan France, Corsica, Monaco 6.90€ 5 to 10 days At your expense
DHL Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain 8.90€ 5 to 10 days At your expense
DHL Austria, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Czech Republic €9.90 5 to 10 days At your expense
DHL Sweden, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Andorra, Moldova, Norway, Finland, Greece 12.90€ 5 to 10 days At your expense


The Customer will have the freedom to choose between collection at a Relais Point or delivery to their home by Colissimo.

At the end of the validation of these transport methods and before payment for the order, the Site will display a summary of the order by mode of transport, for which the products in question are eligible and according to the option chosen by the Client when it was offered to him. The cost of the transport methods assigned or chosen will then be displayed before payment for the order.

When the order has been duly prepared and is ready for shipment, the Customer will receive an email relating to the sending of each part of their order by the mode of transport thus agreed.

Delivery to Relay Point:

Nun Lingeries offers the Customer who has chosen the “Relay Point” option the names and addresses of the professionals offering these services closest to the chosen delivery location. The Customer will be able to consult the opening hours and days of the chosen Relay Point on this occasion.

Upon receipt of the order within Nun Lingeries, the Customer has 14 calendar days to collect their packages. Failing this, the order will be reshipped to Nun Lingeries. Nun Lingeries will consider that the Customer has exercised their right of return and will reimburse under the conditions provided for exercising the right of withdrawal (see article 7-1 of these General Terms and Conditions).
The Customer will be informed by e-mail of the cancellation of this Order.

Delivery by Colissimo:

Delivery by Colissimo is a service offered by La Poste française and meets its own General Conditions of Use. In the event of absence and inability to drop off the package with a guard, the Customer will receive a delivery notice. He will then have 14 calendar days to collect his package from the post office indicated on the said notice. Otherwise, the order will be sent back to us. We will consider that the Customer has exercised their right of return and will reimburse under the conditions provided for exercising the right of withdrawal (see article 7-1 of these General Terms and Conditions). You will be notified by email of the cancellation of this Order.


Transport invoicing follows a calculation rule taking into account the destination on the one hand and the weight of the package on the other.
The prices indicated are all in euros (€) all taxes and charges included, including the VAT rate at the rate in effect on the day of delivery.

The amount of costs is automatically calculated when a product is added to the basket on the basis of delivery in mainland France. The Customer can freely consult the invoicing and the carrier associated with his products.

The final calculation of shipping costs for other destinations is made once the postal code has been entered on the delivery address and before validation of the order by the Customer.

Specific offers on free shipping costs are only valid for shipping to mainland France, unless expressly stated otherwise.




In accordance with the provisions of article L. 221-28 of the Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of 14 calendar days to exercise their right of withdrawal, without needing to provide any reason. The deadline runs from the day of receipt of the order at home or at a relay point.
In the case of an order for several goods delivered separately or in the case of an order for a good made up of lots or multiple pieces whose delivery is spread over a defined period, the period runs from receipt of the last good or batch or the last piece.

Exercise of the right of withdrawal

Withdrawal may be made by email to the address nunlingeries@gmail.com or by post to the address indicated in the preamble, on plain paper, or via the form available here.

Loss of right of withdrawal

Pursuant to article L 221-8 of the Consumer Code, it is recalled that the right of withdrawal cannot be used for the contract:

- Supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized, e.g. personalized items

Return of products

The products must be returned in their original packaging which has been opened properly, accompanied by the delivery note and/or the order form to certify that they are indeed products purchased via the Site. .

The return of the product(s) will be made by the Customer to the address indicated within fourteen (14) days following communication of their decision to withdraw.

The costs and risks associated with returning the products are the responsibility of the Customer.

Reimbursement terms

If the right of withdrawal is exercised within the aforementioned period, Nun Lingeries will reimburse the Customer the price of the returned product(s) as well as the shipping costs of the product(s) in question within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery. date on which it was informed of the Client's decision to withdraw.

In accordance with article L 221-24 of the Consumer Code, Nun Lingeries nevertheless reserves the right to defer reimbursement in the absence of receipt of the product(s) until recovery of the goods or until the Customer has provided proof of the shipment of these goods, the date retained being that of the first of these two facts.

Reimbursement will be made using the same payment method chosen by the Customer at the time of their order.

No exchange is made, the items are refunded. The customer is invited to place a new order.
The Customer will receive a confirmation email once the reimbursement has been initiated. The Customer will be able to consult the return of their package in the “my orders” section of their Customer area.
Returns to stores are not permitted.

ARTICLE 8: After-sales service

Apart from the commercial or legal guarantee defined in article 9, the Customer always has the possibility of contacting Customer Service to answer questions relating to the use of a product, its maintenance methods or the ordering a part that has become defective. The Customer can contact Nun Lingeries by email by completing the contact form located on the contact page of the Site or by telephone on 06 75 51 17 57 (local call) from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


The stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions are without prejudice to the legal guarantees, and in particular the legal guarantee of conformity and guarantee against hidden defects referred to in articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code.

9.1 Legal guarantee of conformity

The products offered are subject to the legal guarantee of conformity provided for in articles L 217-4 et seq. of the Consumer Code:

The seller is required to deliver goods in conformity with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery.
He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging of the assembly instructions or the installation when this has been his responsibility, by the contract, or has been carried out under his responsibility. »

Action resulting from lack of conformity is prescribed within two years from delivery of the product.

In accordance with article L217-7 of the Consumer Code, defects in conformity which appear within a period of twenty-four months from the delivery of the good are presumed to exist at the time of delivery, unless proven otherwise.

9.2 Guarantee against hidden defects

The products offered on the Site are subject to the guarantee against hidden defects set out in article 1641 of the Civil Code according to which " The seller is bound by the guarantee for hidden defects in the thing sold which make it unfit for sale." use for which it is intended, or which diminish this use so much that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have only given a lower price for it, if he had known about them .

Action resulting from hidden defects must be brought within two years from the discovery of the defect.

The Customer may decide to implement the guarantee against hidden defects in the item sold by choosing between, cancellation of the sale or, a reduction of the sale price in accordance with the provisions of article 1644 of the Civil Code.


Nun Lingeries is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights on the products offered on the Site, on the brands, designs and copyrights associated with the products, on the Site and all its elements of the Nun Lingeries Site in particular on the identity visual and graphic, on its design, on its ergonomics, its functionalities, on the software, the logo, the texts, the photos, the videos and the domain name.

It is prohibited to use brands, images, designs or any other element over which Nun Lingeries holds intellectual property rights.

In addition, the intellectual property rights to the documents contained on the Site and each of the elements created for this Site are the exclusive property of Nun Lingeries, which does not grant any license or any right other than that of consulting the Site. The reproduction of any page or content of said Site is subject to prior written authorization from Nun Lingeries except in the case of private copying.

You may also not copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse engineer or assemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code, sell, assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer any rights relating to software.

It is also prohibited to modify the software or use modified versions of the software and in particular (without this list being exhaustive) with a view to obtaining unauthorized access to the service and accessing the site by any means other than through the interface which is provided by Nun Lingeries for this purpose.


For all stages of access to the site, the ordering process, delivery, customer service or subsequent services, Nun Lingeries only supports an obligation of means. Consequently, Nun Lingeries cannot be held liable for any inconveniences or damages inherent to the use of the internet network, in particular a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses, or any event qualified as force majeure. , in accordance with case law.

Furthermore, Nun Lingeries cannot be held responsible in the event that the order does not go through or if it is prevented from respecting any of its obligations due to a case of force majeure within the meaning of case law, and in particular in the event of bad weather preventing delivery of the order.


In the event that one of the clauses of this contract is declared void by a change in legislation, regulation or by a court decision, this will in no way affect the validity and compliance with all the other provisions hereof. Terms of Sales.


The computerized records, kept in the computer systems of Nun Lingeries and its partners under reasonable security conditions, will be considered as proof of communications, orders and payments made between the Parties.


The archiving of purchase orders and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium so as to correspond to a faithful and durable copy in accordance with article 1348 of the Civil Code.


These conditions are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute, the customer is invited to contact Nun Lingeries Customer Service. Together, they will try to resolve this amicably.

In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, in the event of a dispute in the context of the execution of these General Terms and Conditions, the Customer may, before any legal action, resort to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative method of dispute resolution. with a view to an amicable settlement.


For any information or questions, Customer Service is available to the Customer:
- Either by telephone at 06 75 51 17 57 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

- or by email at nunlingeries@gmail.com


In accordance with the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons With regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of this data, personal information relating to the Customer may be processed by Nun Lingeries. The processing of this information is mandatory in particular for the management of your purchases and the tracking of your orders, but also to create a customer account and subscribe to the newsletter.

For more information on the processing of their data and their rights over data, the Customer is invited to consult the Nun lingeries Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions.